The. Best. Radio. Program. Ever. Created.

cbc radio


The Age of Persuasion

Host Terry O’Reilly

Terry O’Reilly. Age 4. Plucked out of Romper Room to be in TV commercial in 1963.

Ad-libs line. Director laughs. Keeps it in spot.

Fate sealed.

After finishing Ryerson’s RTA program in 1981, he promptly sends out 60 resumes to 60 advertising agencies. Gets back 60 rejection letters. Promptly. Applies to small radio station in Burlington, Ontario. Begins career as copy chief at said small radio station – falls in love with radio. Station has over 100 on-going clients. Discovers that, with hard work and diligent organization, you can still fall flat on your face. Three years  later, is actually hired by a top advertising agency in Toronto. Goes on to work for some of the most creative shops in Canada including Campbell-Ewald, Lowe Goodgoll, Doyle Dane Bernbach and Chiat/Day.

Co-founds Pirate Radio & Television in 1990, specializing in the writing and directing of radio commercials, and the creation of music and sound for television. Pirate grows to include eight recording studios in Toronto and New York City, 3 production suites, a sound-effects division, animation division, a casting company and a branded entertainment department.

Has won over 400 national and international awards for writing and directing. Hosts sold-out radio workshops for the advertising industry every year. In demand as a speaker promoting the power of radio. Featured on cover of Marketing Magazine in 2004. Chosen as one of Canada’s “Most Influential” marketing people in Marketing Magazine’s “Power 100 List.” Featured as one of North America’s top radio writers by Radio Bureau of Canada on their “Radio Renaissance” CD. Chosen as the sole Canadian judge for the inaugural year of Radio at the 2005 Cannes Advertising Festival in France. Named International Radio Jury Chairman at 2006 Clio Awards in Miami. Hosted the popular CBC radio series, O’Reilly On Advertising before The Age of Persuasion. Was recently given the Les Usherwood Lifetime Achievement Award, one of the highest honours in the advertising business.

Has a wonderful wife and three lovely daughters.

Who like some of his work.

Producer Mike Tennant

mike tennant

Mike Tennant
Co- Creator/Writer

Prior to The Age of Persuasion, even prior to O’Reilly on Advertising, Mike Tennant was a familiar voice on CBC Radio, as Ad Columnist on Definitely Not the Opera, and writer/host of dozens of brief ‘explainer’ pieces on subjects du jour.

During his decade and a half as a freelance writer, Tennant has created dozens of award-winning campaigns for clients across North America.  Prior to that he was a staff writer at private radio stations in Toronto, Calgary, Regina and Moose Jaw.  While at Calgary’s CJAY 92 FM, he wrote and produced more than 50 episodes of a popular Sunday night staple, The Barclay Flakes Comedy Program.

At 17, Tennant landed a column with Toronto’s Sunday Star, which he wrote for two years, before spending a half-year backpacking across Europe.  Prior to all that, he had written and performed in a weekly community-access TV program, Mike Tennant’s News, Weather, and Steakhouse.

Nowadays, when not giving talks and workshops on creative communication, he can be found in the office of his Kitchener home, which he shares (the house- not the office) with his wife, their three teenagers, and their faithful chocolate lab, Eli.

Lt. Colonel Allen West Answers a marine’s question about Islam

Transcript of Lt. Col. Allen West’s answer:

“You want to dig up Charles Martel and ask him why him why he was fighting the Muslim army at the Battle of Tours in 732? You want to ask the Venetian fleet at Lepanto why they were fighting a Muslim fleet in 1571? You want to ask…the Germanic and Austrian knights why they were fighting at the gates of Vienna in 1683? You want to ask people what h appened at Constantinople and why today it is called Istanbul because they lost that fight in 1453?

You need to get into the Koran…and understand their precepts. This is not a perversion. They are doing exactly what this book says.”

And Col. West reminds us of what should be self-evident, contra the willfully blind, delusional apologetics embraced by our current political and military leadership:

“Until you get principled leadership in the United States of America that is willing to say that, we will continue to chase our tail, because we will never clearly define who this enemy is, and then understand their goals and objectives—which (are) on any jihadist website—and then come up with the right (and) proper objectives to not only secure our Republic but secure Western civilization.”

Sweden woman’s ‘murder’ committed by elk not husband

I don’t get how forensics works—I mean couldn’t the dude have murdered her, and THEN a moose come along and dribbled his saliva about her corpse?
Who’s to say the timeline, other than the maggots etc….
I saw a show once where they automatically suspected a mechanic who had left his coffee cup in the murder car, but……what if he repaired the car the week before slaughter?
and what if you accidentally bump into someone in a mosh pit, they later die, but have your dna on them—-circumstantial shit shouldn’t mean anything, yet so many people go free or are incarcerated for this kinda shit.
i think they should just lock up the old fart, just in case
—make him take care of many much moosen (cr brian regan), while he’s at it why not

BBC News:

Ingemar Westlund

Ingemar Westlund says he was “dragged through a nightmare”

A Swedish man who was arrested on suspicion of murdering his wife has been cleared, after police decided she was probably killed by an elk.

Ingemar Westlund, aged 68, found the dead body of his wife Agneta, 63, by a lake close to the village of Loftahammer in September 2008.

He was immediately arrested and held in police custody for 10 days.

Now the case has been dropped after forensic analysis found elk hair and saliva on his wife’s clothes.

Mr Westlund told Expressen newspaper: “My family and I have been dragged through a nightmare.”

His wife had last been seen taking the family dog out for a walk in the forest. When she failed to return her husband went out to look for her.

Although the murder investigation was dropped five months ago, details have only just emerged and the police plan to hold a news conference next week to explain what happened.

The European elk, or moose, is usually considered to be shy and will normally run away from humans. But Swedish Radio International says the animals can become aggressive after eating fermented fallen apples in gardens.

the perception of being Canadian, versus American

Twelve Taliban killed in NATO offensive: Afghan official

Reuters – Michael Georgy – ‎49 minutes ago‎
MARJAH, Afghanistan (Reuters) – Twelve Taliban fighters were killed overnight in a NATO offensive against the group’s last stronghold in Afghanistan’s most violent province, a government official said.

NATO strikes kill 12 Afghan civilians: Globe and Mail

U.S. general apologizes for deaths as massive joint operation moves toward heart of Marjah