CFB Trenton chief charged with murder of two women

February 08, 2010

Debra Black, Lesley Ciarula Taylor, Jesse McLean

{{GA_Article.Images.Alttext$}}Col. Russ Williams at CFB Trenton last July.

Bill Tremblay / The Independent

The commander of CFB Trenton, a career officer with 23 years in the military, has been charged with two counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of two women – a corporal at Trenton and a Belleville woman who vanished 11 days ago.

Col. Russell Williams, 46, was also charged Monday in with sexual assault in connection with two home invasions in the Tweed area, Det. Insp. Chris Nicholas said at a news conference today in Belleville.

The charges came “due to a singularity in those incidents,” Nicholas said. “We linked those crimes to a single suspect.”

Jessica Lloyd, 27, vanished Jan. 28 and police said on Monday that her body had been found. A second woman, Cpl. Marie France Comeau of the 435th squadron, Trenton, was found dead in her home in Brighton on Nov. 25, 2009.

The home invasions occurred in September. “Geography played a role” in the investigation, said Belleville Police Chief Cory McMullan.

Williams has had a full and high profile 23-year career in the military.

He has been responsible for some of Canada’s most significant recent military operations, including overseeing the backbone of Canada’s contribution to the crisis in Haiti – a 24-hour “air bridge” that links Trenton with Port au Prince, Jacmel and Kingston, Jamaica.

He also was responsible for co-coordinating re-supply for Canada’s mission in Afghanistan and air support at the Vancouver Olympics.

Earlier in January, Williams made an appearance and was photographed with defence minister Peter MacKay and General Walter J. Natynczyk, Chief of the Defence Staff during an inspection of a Canadian aircraft that was on its way to support relief efforts in Port-au-Prince.

During his career he has also been responsible for flying Canadian dignitaries around, including the Governor General.

At a late afternoon news conference, Maj. Gen. Yvan Blondin, flanked by other miliatary personnel, offered his condolences to the loved ones of those who had been murdered. He also announced that Williams has been relieved of his command.

Blondin said the entire base “was shocked” by the news of the charges. Blondin flew to CFB Trenton this afternoon from his base in Winnipeg. He is Williams’ direct commander and spent the afternoon meeting with staff on base as well as members of the community. “We are as touched as the community,” he said.

He told the news conference that the operations of the base – which are vital to Haiti, Afghanistan and the Vancouver Olympics – “must and will continue.” As to Williams and the charges, Blondin said: “We don’t know the results of the investigative process … we do know charges have been laid.”

Blondin said that the military does not perform pyschological evalutations before it promotes its officers. Promotions are based on perfomance and those who are promoted for leadership “are extraordinary,” he said. As Williams’ commander, Blondin said that’s what he saw – extraordinary performance during his military career. He assured the media that due process will take place.

Earlier Monday afternoon Williams appeared in the provincial courthouse in Belleville in hand and leg shackles. He entered the courtroom confidently, dressed in a blue prison-issue jumpsuit and booties. He was remanded in custody and will appear by video on February 18th. A publication ban was ordered, typical in bail hearings, and there is a publication ban is on the names of the sexual assault victims.

A family friend, who did not want to be identified, told The Canadian Press earlier that Lloyd’s family was told about the discovery of the woman’s body on Sunday night.

The last time anyone heard from Lloyd was at 10:36 p.m. on Jan. 28 when she sent a text message to a friend.

She was reported missing the next day after she failed to show up for her job with the Tri-Board Student Transportation Services in neighbouring Napanee.

Lloyd’s purse and her glasses were still in her apartment when they went there to check for her.

Police had used ground and helicopter searches to look for Lloyd, and friends and acquaintances distributed flyers around the Belleville area and had set up several Facebook groups to spread the word about her disappearance.

“The community is devastated,” said Tweed reeve Jo-Anne Albert.

“Everyone has followed the news and hoped and prayed that this young lady would be found and brought home to her family. So it’s definitely not the outcome that we wanted.”

Albert and her staff can’t believe it, she said. Tweed is a peaceful community and this is the first time something like this has happened there, she said.

Everyone has been involved because of how close Lloyd lived to Tweed, said Albert, who did not know Lloyd or her family personally.

Comeau’s boyfriend discovered her body inside her Raglan St. home, neighbours said.

He had come to check up on her after she missed a shift as a flight attendant with 437th transport squadron at CFB Trenton.

“He came out white as a ghost, just saying, “She’s been killed. She’s dead,’” one neighbour said.

Chanci Mackenzie, who lived next door to her, said Comeau, 37, had moved to the newly-developed street in September, 2008.

She was quiet and kept to herself, perhaps the result of being a French speaker in a mostly Anglophone neighbourhood. But in their brief encounters, Mackenzie said Comeau was always friendly.

“She was really nice, really pleasant,” she said. “It’s a very new street. We all moved in at the same time and we were still all getting to know each other.”

Since her death, Comeau’s friends and family have commemorated her life on a Facebook page.

“Marie, you were such an absolutely (sic) beautiful angel here on earth with your warm and embracing nature and the love you had for everyone who surrounded you,” wrote Marion Chalut.

Adam Morrison, a friend of Comeau’s for eight years, wrote, “I will truly miss you and your open mind as well as your beautiful smile and always shining personality.”

Comeau’s death rattled the small community, home to dozens of military personnel. Now that Col. Williams has been charged, the area is in shock.

“The phone hasn’t stopped ringing. People from the base calling around,” said one neighbour, who asked not to be named. “(Williams) is someone who is very much respected in the military community… it makes it even more personal.”

An active member of the local community, Williams made a public appearance this past fall at a Belleville Bulls’ hockey game when the team announced plans to dedicate the 2009/2010 season to the men, women and families of 8 Wing Trenton. He also was front and centre at Trenton when the Olympic flame torchbearer was announced for his base.

Williams, who has a degree in Economics and Political Science from the University of Toronto and a Master of Defence Studies from the Royal Military College, enrolled in the Canadian Forces in 1987.

He received his wings in 1990 and was posted to three Canadian Forces flight training schools where he was an instructor. Williams, who has no children, is said to be a keen photographer, fisherman and runner.

In 1992, Williams was posted to the 434th (Combat Support) Squadron in Shearwater, Nova Scotia, where he flew the CC144 Challenger – a military plane used to transport high-ranking officials such as the Prime Minister and the Governor General.

He is married to Mary Elizabeth Harriman, who lives and works in Ottawa as the associate executive director of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. According to a neighbour who asked not to be identified she comes to their house in Trenton on weekends.

“Mary Elizabeth is a beloved member of our staff … She’s taking an extended leave of absence to focus on this matter,” said spokeswoman Eileen Melnick-McCarthy, declining to comment further.

In January 2009 he was posted to the Canadian Forces Language School in Gatineau for a 6-month period of French language training, during which he was promoted to his current rank. He took over as commander of 8 Wing CFB-Trenton in July, 2009.

With files from Canadian Press

Woman buried alive to save family reputation

The Star Logo
February 06, 2010
Medine Memi, 16, was buried alive in the courtyard of her house. (Feb. 4, 2010)


Olivia Ward

A suspect in the killing of Medine Memi leaves a police station Feb. 4, 2010 in Adiyaman, Turkey.




In a remote, mountain-fringed town of southeastern Turkey, a young woman who had barely begun to live met a terrifying death.

The body of the 16-year-old Medine Memi was found in an earthen grave last December, slumped in a sitting position with her hands tied. Large amounts of soil were in her lungs and stomach. She had been buried alive, the apparent victim of an honour killing.

But her suffocating death was symbolic of the fate that awaits hundreds of young rural Turkish women, some killed after moving to cities like Istanbul.

“It is really horrific,” says professor Shahrzad Mojab of University of Toronto’s Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. “The practice has migrated to larger cities from the villages.

“It’s a question of poverty, lack of education and political ethnic suppression.”

In a long and arduous bid to join the European Union, Turkey has updated its laws on honour killing and imposed life sentences on perpetrators.

But more than 200 women a year in Turkey are killed by family members. Community workers say the figures are likely higher, as many go unreported.

In Turkey’s impoverished Kurdish region, the practice of honour killing has become a well-known ritual that is chilling in its precision: when a young woman is suspected of “dishonouring” the family by wearing tight clothes, having unauthorized contact with young men, or falling victim to rape, a family council is called, and a family member appointed as an executioner.

In the town of Kahta, where Memi was found, police arrested her father and grandfather.

The police went to her home after a neighbour reported that Medine had not been seen for a month. They found her body in a hole, newly covered with concrete. A local organization that campaigns against honour killings said Memi, one of 10 children, had gone three times to the police to complain she was being beaten, but was sent back to her family each time.

Media reports said her father had told relatives he was unhappy that his daughter had male friends, and the grandfather was said to have beaten her.

In the past, families often chose their youngest males as the killers of “erring” girls, because courts would give lenient sentences. But after the 2005 reform, a new practice of forced suicide sprang up.

According to media reports, victims would be locked in their rooms for days with rat poison, a pistol or rope, and ordered to spare their families the legal retribution by killing themselves.

The attacks on women are aggravated by the struggle between Turkey’s government and Kurdish separatist guerrillas, which has forced families to migrate to cities, where their conservative culture clashes with the liberated urban lifestyle.

“It’s a very tough social issue,” says Mojab, co-editor of Violence in the Name of Honour.

“The Turkish government has some very active and dynamic programs to fight honour killing, but it’s not just a family problem, it involves the entire community.”

In some cases, researchers have found, families are reluctant to punish their daughters for behaviour thought to dishonour them. But communities ostracize them unless they “cleanse” the supposed stain on the family’s reputation.

U.S. soldier JoshuaTabor waterboards his daughter, 4, because she couldn’t recite alphabet: police

By Brian Kates

Originally Published:Monday, February 8th 2010, 9:05
Updated: Monday, February 8th 2010, 11:02 AM

A GI waterboarded his 4-year-old
daughter in their suburban Tacoma, Wash.,
home because she couldn’t recite the
alphabet, police reported.

Joshua Tabor, 27, allegedly admitted to
police he used the torture technique
because his daughter was terrified of water
and he was furious she didn’t know her

Tabor was arrested Sunday and charged
with assault of a child.

Tabor, a soldier at the Lewis-McChord
base in Tacoma, Wash., told police he held
the little girl’s head backward in a sink of

water, Yelm Police Chief Todd Stancil told
the the local newspaper, the Nisqually
Valley News.

Stancil said Tabor had admitted to using
this means of punishment three to four

Police found the little girl locked in a
bathroom with bruises on her back and
scratch marks on her neck and throat.

Asked how she got the bruises, the girl is
said to have replied, “Daddy did it.”

Police did not release Tabor’s rank or the
nature of his military service. His base is
home to units that have served in Iraq and  

The girl, who was not identified, had been
in Tabor’s court-ordered custody for about
a month and a half.

After his arrest, she was placed in the care
of Child Protective services, Stancil said.
She had moved to Yelm from Montana
where she lived with her grandparents. Her
mother lives in Kansas.

Cops arrested Tabor after neighborhood
residents reported him walking around his

neighborhood drunk, wearing a Kevlar
Army helmet and threatening to break

Tabor’s girlfriend told police that Tabor
has an anger problem and beats his
daughter, Stancil said.

Tabor reportedly said his girlfriend helped
hold the girl down in the water. She had not
been charged.

The couple has a 2-month-old child
together, Stancil said.

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